Your Roadmap To The Canadian Spousal Sponsorship In Surrey BC

Canadian spousal sponsorship Surrey BC

Feb 29, 2024

Your Roadmap To The Canadian Spousal Sponsorship In Surrey BC

There are two sponsorship programs in Canada. One is the spousal sponsorship program, and the other is parents & grandparents sponsorship. Today, we will talk about the Canadian spousal sponsorship.

The Canadian spousal sponsorship Surrey BC is part of Canada’s family reunification initiative. It allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their spouses, common-law partners, and dependent children for permanent residency in Canada.

Under the Canadian Spousal Sponsorship Program, eligible sponsors must demonstrate their ability to financially support their spouse or partner and meet specific eligibility criteria set by the IRCC. Similarly, the sponsored spouse or partner must meet requirements, including admissibility criteria and medical examinations.

Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class

This pathway is for spouses or common-law partners (CLP) living in Canada with their Canadian citizen or permanent resident spouse or partner.

Spouse or Common-Law Partner outside Canada Class

This pathway is for spouses or common-law partners living outside Canada and wishing to immigrate to join their Canadian citizen or permanent resident spouse or partner in Canada.

The Canadian spousal sponsorship process in Surrey BC involves submitting an application package to IRCC, which includes ‘intention to sponsor’ and other forms, supporting documents, and proof of the genuine nature of the relationship. Once the application is submitted, IRCC assesses the eligibility of both the sponsor and the sponsored spouse or CLP partner and may request additional information. As a sponsor, you can apply for PR along with your sponsorship application.

Who can you sponsor?

For Canada, it doesn’t matter if you are married to a person of the opposite sex or if you are married or just living together with a person of the same sex. Your process will be handled in the same way.

Spouse: Husband or wife

If you are legally married, you are someone’s spouse (husband or wife). If you got married in Canada, then present a Canadian marriage certificate. If it is in another country, then present the marriage certificate from that country in question. You can also sponsor someone as a same-sex spouse if you are a Canadian citizen or PR holder and got married in Canada or a country where same-sex marriage is accepted (legal).


You are a de facto spouse or a CLP (opposite sex or same sex, it doesn’t matter) if you have been living together in a relationship (not married socially or legally but agree to consider themselves married) for at least 12 continuous months (short trips for work or family reasons are allowed). You need to be committed. You will have to prove your relationship. It can be done in some of these ways –

  • Joint bank account or credit cards
  • The house or rental is in both their names
  • Or the financing of the house is in both their names
  • Electricity, telephone and water bills must be in both names
  • Both people’s postal addresses are at the same address.


Conjugal partner sponsorship

Another category in the Canadian spousal sponsorship in Surrey BC is conjugal partner. It is a category that holds particular ground. This special category (opposite sex or same sex, it doesn’t matter) is the same as common-law partners. The only thing that makes a difference is that conjugal partners, unlike common-law partners, are barred from living together as married or unmarried couples.

You can apply as a couple if you have been in a prominent relationship with your partner for at least one year, you may or may not have received threats, you are not married, and you do not live together because of some reasons (an immigration barrier, your marital status [you are married to someone other than your current partner and in the country you live divorce is not possible], or your sexual, religious, or racial orientation).


Conjugal or CLP does not mean sexual relations alone. You need to be committed. Maybe you rely on your partner for all aspects of their financial, social, physical, and emotional well-being, or you are an independent individual with plans.

You cannot sponsor

You will not be able to apply for the Canadian spousal sponsorship in Surrey BC if –

  • Spouses are not married and do not live together;
  • You could have lived with your spouse but chose not to;
  • You could not demonstrate proof of any reason that prevented you from living together;
  • You are engaged.

You will not be able to sponsor any of the people in the three categories mentioned above if –

  • You are under 16;
  • You or your spouse was married to a third person when you got married;
  • You have lived away from your spouse for at least one year;
  • You or your spouse is currently someone else’s spouse;
  • Your last spousal sponsorship request was rejected;
  • Criminal or medical inadmissibility of the sponsored;
  • You previously sponsored another individual.

Dependent children sponsorship

A son or daughter is dependent when –

  • They are under 22 years of age, are not married, and do not have a de facto partner;
  • Is over 22 years of age and has been studying full-time, and is financially dependent on parental support;
  • Became a spouse or de facto partner before the age of 22, has been studying full time since then, and has been financially dependent on parental support.

For your information

When your spouse or de facto partner or even the particular category mentioned above arrives in Canada, they must live and remain with the sponsor for at least two years. This rule was made to prevent fraud from people in Canada selling weddings in exchange for financial benefits. The person got married, received permanent residence and separated after a few months without even having lived together for a single day. It does not apply to some cases of abuse or domestic violence.


Essen Immigration: the only key to success

So, are you ready to reunite with your loved one in Canada? “Essen Immigration” is here to help you navigate the complex Canadian immigration process. Our experienced team provides expert guidance and personalized assistance every step of the way.

Whether you’re applying for a Canadian spousal sponsorship Surrey BC or seeking genuine support for any immigration-related issue, trust Essen Immigration to streamline the process and achieve your immigration goals.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards reuniting with your spouse or partner in Canada!

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