

By obtaining a Business Visa to Canada, overseas business owners and investors can set up their business in the country or take their existing enterprises to the next level. It is a means to stay in the country permanently, and it comes with rewards like entry into a dynamic economy, a talented labour pool, and a welcoming regulatory climate.

Self-Employed Category
Self-Employed Category

Our Self-Employed category offers resources and information on registering your business, obtaining permits and licenses, taxes, and more. You and your immediate family may be able to apply for a business immigrant visa.

Start-Up Visa Program
Start-Up Visa Program

We can help foreign business owners and investors finding a pathway to establish and grow their operations in the country through the start-up visa. This specialized program facilitates the immigration of up to five partners of a firm and their dependent family members to immigrate to Canada.

Provincial Entrepreneur
Provincial Entrepreneur

The schemes under the Provincial Entrepreneur Program may vary depending on the specific province. We can help individuals to apply for Provincial Entrepreneur program. You may apply with up to two partners under this scheme.